

一瓶香槟请快速!万博客户端3.0腾牛图片由Lawrence Lustig / PDC的礼貌提供资产的“令人惊叹的令人惊叹的胜利绩效,在第五轮比赛中被选为上个月整整四天最闪闪发光的时刻。

在赞助商迅速决定为他们创建一个官方香槟矩赢家后,500名飞镖粉丝投票赞成他们最难忘的锦标赛表现。万博客户端3.0腾牛Nicholson的胜利菲尔泰勒获得了詹姆斯·韦德的38%的投票,反对Mark Webster第二(15%)和Nicholson自己第三名,因为另一个杰出的冠军冠军加里安森(11%)。飞镖狂热曼迪史蒂文森投票赞成保罗赢得香槟瞬间,并随意被选中赢得世界匹配的票据,在布莱克浦,提供了PDC。

她还将在冬季花园的7月20日星期三亲自与他的瓶香槟呈现保罗。Paul said: “It was obviously a special moment to win against Phil Taylor and it’s great that so many fans enjoyed it so much too.“Obviously I’d have loved to have gone on to win the Speedy Hire UK Open but winning a vote like this is a big honour and I’ll be delighted to accept the champagne in Blackpool.” Mandy said: “I am a huge darts fan so to win this competition is a dream come true.“Paul definitely deserved the award. He threw some phenomenal darts and to beat Anderson and Taylor in the same competition is worth some serious recognition.“Thanks to Speedy this is the case and I can’t wait to say well done to Paul in person!” Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “There were so many memorable performance across the four days that we wanted to create an award to commemorate them.“Paul Nicholson’s name was on the tips of our tongues, so it came as no surprise when we learnt that he had won.“He is a worthy winner and he gave us some memories that we will certainly treasure for a long time to come.”

