
万博客户端3.0腾牛今天迅速宣布,它已纳入50/50合资企业,与J.&J. Denholm集团(“Denholm”)(“Denholm”)提供给哈萨克斯坦的广泛石油和天然气部门的资产管理和设备租赁服务,包括“超级巨人”“Tengiz,Karachaganak和Kashagan的领域,世界上最大的三个最大的油田。

Denholm通过其专业的油田服务业务在提供维护和周转服务的市场领先地位,在哈萨克斯坦提供了它在该地区运营的20年。自1999年以来,它通过Denholm Zholdas LLP(“DZ”)经营了这项业务。


合资企业将在哈萨克斯坦的品牌“Speedy Zholdas”下交易和运作。万博客户端3.0腾牛Both Speedy and Denholm have identified the opportunity to leverage DZ’s existing infrastructure by providing a full range of asset management and equipment rental services in support of existing clients of DZ, who include amongst others Chevron and Exxon, whilst at the same time extending such services to other oil & gas clients with whom Speedy already has, or is targeting, long-term relationships.

万博客户端3.0腾牛Speedy ZHoldas已经有一个近期机会的管道,支持DZ,它为主要国际石油公司提供了长期框架协议。鉴于其活动的季节性,合资企业预计将在2014财年进行盈亏平衡,并在15财年及以后加强盈利。

As part of the transaction, Speedy has acquired a 50% interest in DZ’s existing equipment rental operation for a total cash consideration of US$4.4m, of which US$1.4m is being paid on or around completion and US$3m is payable by equal instalments of US$1m on each 1 November 2014, 2015 and 2016. In the 9 month period to 30 September 2013, the business generated operating profits of US$1.4m on revenues of US$6.7m. The gross book value of the assets comprised in the joint venture is US$4.5m. Further investment by the parties to fund growth in the joint venture will be made on a dollar for dollar basis.

评论合资企业,SPEYY的首席执行官Steve Corcoran说万博客户端3.0腾牛:

“我们很高兴地通过与如此丰富和高度尊重的合作伙伴合作,通过与伙伴合作,在CASPIAN中获得令人兴奋的石油和天然气市场。Denholm拥有令人羡慕的声誉,建立了20多年来,为哈萨克斯坦的主要国际油田客户提供优秀的服务水平。最近支持Denholm ZHoldas从我们现有的业务中的计划转变项目,这项合资企业是双方的自然下一步。


John Denholm,J.&J. Denholm董事长兼首席执行官,补充说:

