
Kevin Painter的前对成对的伴侣和世界限定赛的前任新闻是Speedy最新的业余球员,以便到英国开放,揭晓。万博客户端3.0腾牛

20世纪90年代后期的伦敦和埃塞克斯超级联赛冠军迈克尔·威尔斯,伦敦和埃塞克斯超级联赛冠军,进入了Reebok体育场,以及戴夫斯利,曾经主演过世界锦标赛的旧消息。Thomas Sandwell和Paul Amos是来自Dartford的第二次快速服务资格赛的第三和第四个资格赛,这对质量和娱乐很高。万博客户端3.0腾牛

From the initial 15 dart challenge, a score of 563 topped the charts, with Michael Wiles – who used to be Kevin Painter’s pairs partner - actually scraping into the one off games of 701 with a score of 376. Speedy, the UK’s largest equipment rental and services company, is staging further qualifiers in Inverness (11th), Leeds (12th), Stoke (13th) and Cardiff (19th).

然后万博客户端3.0腾牛在5月4日迅速举行的员工资格机会。迅速再次在2008年世界冠军马克韦伯斯特提供专家建议的帮助下,他再次留下了深刻的印象。“在达特福德的气氛差别与布莱顿不同,有更多这里的噪音和聊天,包括一个或两个熟悉的面孔。“再次,我相信他们将自行,快速的服务周四晚上骄傲,于6月7日在博尔顿。”万博客户端3.0腾牛一个想忘记Dartford限定赛的球员是Bdo Star Steve Douglas,他们只能在达到六个飞镖之前鼓起六点后的15个飞镖分数118。

Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “The standard of darts never ceases to amaze us, with the players again showing how strong the sport really is.“We are really hoping for one or two upsets at the UK Open, and there’s certainly no reason why they can’t come from Dartford.”
