


Oxfordshire’s Jon Jukes topped the 15 dart chart with a huge score of 580, paving the way for eventual qualification in his one-off leg of 701. Alan Casey, Gary Ettridge and Bob Crawley also qualified with Jon and can now look forward to an appearance at the FA Cup of Darts at the Reebok Stadium on June 7. Speedy, the UK’s leading provider of equipment rental and support services, is staging further qualifiers in Dartford tomorrow, Inverness (11th), Leeds (12th), Stoke (13th) and Cardiff (19th). A Speedy staff qualification opportunity will then take place in Haydock on May 4.

万博客户端3.0腾牛快速入伍2008年世界冠军马克韦伯斯特提供专家建议,他对展会的质量印象深刻。他说:“标准远远超过我预期的,每位球员都有很多能力,即使是那些没有资格获得701的比赛。”有一两个我很想避免自己,如果我am in the first round with them.“You could see what it meant to the players and it was great to see the winning players’ expressions when they hit the winning double.”

Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “Last year’s qualifiers were really impressive in terms of quality, but we have already seen a higher standard in this qualifier alone.“We don’t want to tempt fate, but we think that Jon, Bob, Gary and Alan might cause an upset or two come the UK Open in Bolton.”
