
万博客户端3.0腾牛英国领先的设备租赁和支持服务提供商快速,正在提供飞镖狂热学,终身的体育机会,邀请获得了一个游戏最大的比赛之一 - 在一场非常受欢迎的世界冠军的帮助下。

万博客户端3.0腾牛今年6月,斯皮迪斯将在锐步体育场(Reebok Stadium)争夺英国公开赛的16个席位,这一赛事将分为布里斯托尔、达特福德、斯托克和格拉斯哥的四场资格赛。谁成功了会又更近了一步一个日期与菲尔“权力”泰勒和拥挤的世界领先的灯光快速雇用英国开放本身快速的帮助还招募了2004年世界冠军安迪·福特汉姆,谁将出席为每个球员每个事件提供指导建议。万博客户端3.0腾牛

在董事会将在董事会举办15辆飞镖,每场比赛,每场比赛总共四分球总体上涨,在六月的雷博斯体育场赛中开放。万博客户端3.0腾牛第一个合格的活动将于4月12日星期二的Speedy Bristol Superstore的正式推出,随后于4月13日星期三访问其Dartford 万博客户端3.0腾牛Depot。

It will then move up to its Speedy Stoke Superstore on Thursday April 14 before concluding qualifying at the opening of the new Speedy Glasgow Power Superstore on Friday April 15. Speedy’s group marketing director Steve McIntyre said: “Existing Speedy customers are encouraged to enter along with dart enthusiasts who are also interested in finding out more about Speedy’s product and service offering.“No other sporting event can offer an incentive like this, where fans can actually qualify to play their heroes, in front of millions of TV viewers across the world.“As if this wasn’t enough, we have enlisted the help of former world champion Andy Fordham, who will be at each event with some expert advice for each player.“With all this in mind, we couldn’t be more excited about our sponsorship and hope as many people will attend the events as possible.”

The Speedy Hire UK Open will take place from 2 to 5 June 2011 and Steve said that the sight of Speedy’s branding around the Reebok Stadium will represent the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the brand.“This is one of the biggest projects that I have been involved with since arriving at the company last year.
